Invitation - Card-Drawings

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International Card Drawing Contest

  Will you help to promote  

Friendship and Creativity

Take Part
       Contest winner is a RANDOM choice ,
Participation is  free...

You like drawing - Painting - sketches - or pen creations
Take part and represent your nice location .

Drawing is like candy for the brain

Competition winners
We choose RANDOM , every 3 months

  ??? Why Random???
We try to be as fair as possible in choosing a winner.
This means that everyone has the same chance of becoming a winner.
Free from less or more gifted to draw ,

Our goal
Giving everyone a fun challenge to participate
represent your  nice location

and of course there are prizes

So as you see our goal is not commercial

Do you want to join, it's completely free,
You can send any  ( A6 seize)  
participation card

Submissions cards  to :

Contest - Card Drawings
Brusselbaan 102
1790 Affligem

Individual & practical

Contact on twitter > @Caesargallery

Mail :

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